Wednesday, September 22, 2010 a barbie world

The poem "Barbie Doll," though written a while ago, couldn't be more relevant in today's world. It is a poem that uses irony to point out society's flawed picture of what beauty is. The girl, because she is seen as being fat and having a big nose, is told she needs to be funny to make up for her bad looks. Though the girl is healthy, she sees a need to change herself in order to fit other people's idea of healthy. She does something to herself that "kills" her previous self but makes her "pretty." Ironically, after she had died, everyone finally says how pretty that new body she has is. Though this sounds ridiculous, the author is showing society that this is what they do to girls today. Girls often feel forced to change themselves to become more acceptable in society. The same happens to boys, but it usually isn't with looks, but with some action or behavior. No matter what it is or to what extent, society is pushing people into doing things that they do not need to do. I like to think that I don't care what others think of me, so this doesn't apply to me, but I'm sure I have done something to please others. No matter if it applies to me or not, it is still a valuable message that society should listen to.

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