Sunday, December 12, 2010

Popular Mechanics-->Childhood Memories

This film would be about a middle-aged man named Freddy McDoogle. He is married with two kids and works as a special effects designer. At night, he travels to random houses and kills people in the most horrendous of ways while he flashes back to times in his childhood when his parents abused him, because they were too busy fighting to care about him. Freddy is the baby in "Popular Mechanics." The final murder will be of his parents. He will tie each to ropes and stretch them to death. During this, he will flash back to the scene that is the short story. It will illustrate the effects of bad parenting while having the thrill of a horror film. It will include the exact plot of the story but add on.
Point of View<<<
The film will have two point of view. The part of the film that involves the story will have a first person point of view that is from the baby Freddy's perspective. The part of the movie that isn't a flashback will be from a third person omniscient point of view. It will show inside the houses of the victims to show what they do that reminds Freddy of his parents. It will be little things like using red sidewalk chalk that will cause him to kill them. He feels bad after the killings, so the viewer will also see him talking to himself about how bad he feels. The viewer will also see how he reacts with his family due to the abuse he received as a child. The two points of view will accentuate the experiences that he had as a child.
This only character that will be deeply characterized is Freddy. His reactions with his family and his victims will show that he is a compassionate person. He doesn't want to kill his victims, he feels like he must to get the memories out of his head. The parents will also be characterized through the flashbacks. These will be more direct characterizations while Freddy's is indirect. The viewer will feel sympathy towards Freddy, because it was the abuse that causes him to commit the murders. he cleans up and buries the bodies, showing that he does care for them. Though he is a serial killer, he will be seen as compassionate. He will turn himself in after the murder of his parents, showing that he is finally content with himself and his memories.
The setting of a suburb outside of Philly makes the nice neighborhood in which he lives feel homey and nonthreatening. This will add to the scariness, but also to the sympathy towards Freddy. He does not live in the ghetto where he could be seen as a bad person. He lives in a nice neighborhood that shows that he cares for his family and wants the best for him. The setting of the flashbacks will mirror the story. It will takes place in a dark house that has no detail besides the dark. It will create a scary, violent setting in which he is abused by his parents. This setting will illustrate why Freddy has the memories that he does.
The theme of the film will also mirror the story. It will show the negative effects of parents that care more about winning against their spouse than their children. It will show this through the flashbacks that show why Freddy does what he does. Each one will have a unique, neglectful act that causes Freddy to commit a murder. The acts by the parents will be so unbelievable that the viewer will understand Freddy and how his parents caused his murders. This theme will also be shown through Freddy's attempted care for his children, He is so overcome by his memories that he has trouble showing love, but he does try to care for them. It will show the correct motivations of parents.

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