Sunday, July 4, 2010


The back of this novel told me that one of the aspects of the novel was about "the brutal bullfighting rings of Spain." Reading that, I expected some betting, or some intense rivalry, or at least some controversy, but, as usual with this book, I was disappointed. I really thought that the main climax was going to involve some street fight between Cohn, Jake, and their clan and some Spanish loan sharks. That didn't happen. Why this novel is so popular and so highly rated I have no idea. For me to enjoy a book, it must have action and it must have a fast-moving plot that keeps me interested; this novel has neither. I'm starting to understand the significance of the character developments and all of that. That is nice and all, but come on Mr. Hemingway. We all aren't psychologists and most readers need some sort of plot to keep them interested. I appreciate what you were trying to do, but I would also appreciate a bit of action somewhere in the novel. On page 185, Brett says "Darling, don't let's talk a lot of rot." I think that Hemingway was trying to talk to the reader there. He wants us to do what Brett is saying to do and not focus on the bad, but on the good of the novel. I'm trying my best to do so, but I'm failing at this point.

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