Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Looking back...

This book has been a very interesting one. It started off talking about Cohn, and it seemed that he would be the main character. That quickly turned and the novel went from there. The main point of the novel seems to be that of character developments. There wasn't really a main character, but rather a group of main characters. My personal favorite character was Bill. He didn't really fit in, but he didn't try to. He just sat back and watched all of the other characters make a fool out of themselves. He didn't rock the boat, and he knew his place and stayed there. I respect that kind of person. He was who he was and didn't try to change that to feel more comfortable.
My least favorite character was Mike. He had no self-respect whatsoever. He saw that Brett was cheating on him, but instead of saying something to her, he just put down the people that she was with. Instead of facing his problem, he took his anger out on others. I don't respect people like that. I think that my reactions are what Hemingway intended from the novel. He wanted the reader to get angry with the type of person that Hemingway didn't like. He also wanted the reader to like the type of person that Hemingway does. Hemingway successfully shows the reader what type of person he wants them to be and hopes that they will try to change to that type of person.

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