Thursday, December 2, 2010

Popular Mechanics- #5

The title of this story makes the methods of the parents seem like mechanical things that they do without feelings. The parents in the story do not refer to their child by name or even by gender. They do not see the child as a child, but rather as another item that they are splitting up in the divorce. This is why "Mine" is not as fitting. Though they do claim the child as theirs, they do not have any care for the child. They only care that their spouse does not get possession of the child. They take a very rough approach to attaining the child, and this is why the title fits. They decide the "issue" of their marriage disputes over the child just like any other, by playing tug-o'-war.
I would also like to mention that I really liked this story. I think that it really shows the absurdities that occur in divorce disputes. And I also think that the image of this baby being ripped in half is kind of funny as well.

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