Monday, March 21, 2011


"You could 'a drawed me off a pint easy enough. We didn't 'ave these bleeding liters when I was a young man" (88). This is what an old prole said in Winston in response to being bought a drink. This is the typical colloquial language used when the proles are speaking. The effect of this language is to show the difference that the Party sees in the sophistication of the Party members. The way that the proles speak seems to be uneducated, showing superiority of the Party members. This tool is also used to emphasize the differences in the culture. Those in the Party are focused on correct speech and doing everything to appear better and in unison with all other Party members. The proles, however, do not care how they look. They are only concerned with how they feel. They are afraid of offending no one and say it how it is. In a sense, the proles are real people while the conforming party members are robots. This colloquial language shows that difference.

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