Monday, February 28, 2011

I hate when the author stops in mid sent....

Okay so the ending of this play is rather ambiguous. Though we don't really know any of what happens at the end, I will focus on Bennie and her future endeavors. She has this opportunity to go to Africa after she gets her medical degree. I don't know about other people, but I would not be with someone much longer if they asked me to change continents for them. And, also, I don't think that Africa offers the best facilities when it comes to practicing medicine. But I digress.

Overall, I think that this play is pretty good. I'd give it about a six out of ten, which is very good coming from me. I think that my favorite character is Ruth, because, though she is very mean, she is real. She thinks about what is best for her family and tries to help them in whatever way possible. I also like Walter, because I think that how childish he is is very funny. Whatta guy.

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