Thursday, January 20, 2011

My gears have been ground.

It really bugs me that these plays have such dramatic, big leaps. Yes, I know that they have to do that so they can fit it into a couple hours, but it still bugs me. Example: Cassio drinks a couple glasses of wine, and a few lines later, he is attacking a man with his sword. In real life, a couple of glasses of wine will not cause someone to take someone else's life because they said something about their momma. I understand that Shakespeare needed to keep the story moving, but I would appreciate a few more realistic events.
I will say, however, that I like the fact that Iago just tells the reader what his plan is. Because this is a play, there is not enough time to develop his plan in detail and have it revealed through action. The fact that Iago has these soliloquies where he laughs and reveals his evil plan. This allows the action to be more ambiguous (i.e. the random hankerchief) while still being understandable. Overall, I'd say that this is my favorite play by Bill, because I feel like the concepts talked about are more relateable. Perhaps even timeless?

1 comment:

  1. Iago is an honest with the audience as he is deceitful with the characters!
