Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stage directions ftw!

This act would not have the comedic aspects and effects that it does it the stage directions were not included. The most important stage directions occur during the scene when Othello is hiding from Cassio in an attempt to see him laughing at the fact that he cheated with Desdemona. Though Othello is hiding and cannot be seen by Cassio, he still has speaking roles. The fact that the reader of this play cannot see that Othello is hiding, he must read that he is hiding. If this hiding isn't conveyed, the reader would assume that Cassio could hear what Othello was saying. This would create for a very confusing scene, because Cassio does not respond to the challenges by Othello. The theatrical aspects of this scene are critical to its meaning. Though Othello thinks that Iago is setting up Cassio, it is really Othello who is being set up. This essential part of Iago's plan that develops Othello's anger would not function properly without the stage directions.