Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tommy boy...the protagonist

In this play, Tom is the clear protagonist. It is he who tells the story, but the play is also from his memories. Every aspect of the play deals with him and how those around him affect him. He is what most of the conversation in the play deals with. The action of the play centers around his internal struggles as an aspiring writer who must work in a warehouse to support his family.
I would say that the antagonist in the play is Amanda, his mother. She is constantly critiquing every move that he makes. It makes him feel as if he is living in a prison in his own home. Amanda never is satisfied with what Tom does. This is why he contemplates leaving his family, and eventually does. We, as readers, don't really know if Amanda acted this way or if Tom just perceived her this way, but the play is of his memories, so she is definitely the antagonist.

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