Thursday, September 9, 2010

Emily, you worry me.

Emily Dickinson's "I felt a funeral, in my Brain" is disturbing. If taken literally, it is about a person who is dead and writing about witnessing their own funeral from inside the casket. Why on earth would a person want to write that? I just don't get it.
Now that that's off my chest, I can do some analyzing. The fact that she says she feel a funeral in her brain, not her head, makes me think that there isn't any physical pain, just emotional pain. She seems to be having some sort of mental troubles that cause her to feel like she is dying, not physically, but mentally. She is wearing "boots of lead" that are weighing her down and hindering her progression out of her troubles. Some think that it has to do with her having an emotional breakdown, which I can see, but I think she is just depressed. She is still sane enough to understand what is happening, so she is only thinking, or maybe hoping, that this funeral would happen to her. No matter what is happening to her, it isn't good and she realizes that. She needs help. Or maybe she just shoulda had a V8.

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