Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Much Madness is Divinest Sense.

Ms. Dickinson, you never disappoint. This poem made absolutely no sense to me. She seems to think that being mad is perfect or even divine. With how she writes, this doesn't surprise me. She also thinks that having sense makes a person mad. Obviously she is trying to be tricky here, and it's working. I think that she is trying to say that if a person thinks outside of the box, they are good thinkers, so they have divine sense. That kind of makes sense. If a person thinks like everyone else, then they don't think well, so they are "mad." She thinks that the brilliant people are the ones that think crazy yet genius thoughts. Maybe this is why she writes like she does?
Despite all of that, she uses a paradox of sanity and insanity to make the reader think. She obviously achieved that goal with me.
I didn't like this poem very much, but it was humorous to read, as most Dickinson poems are.

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