Thursday, September 16, 2010


"Toads," in my opinion, has a pretty good message. It speaks about the angers of bad jobs and how people want to get away from those jobs. The speaker is frustrated with the job that he has, and he wants to as happy as the other people that he sees in the world. He wants to stand up to the man and speak out against his oppressive hand that forces people into these jobs. This is a pretty easy poem to apply to today. With the economy the way it is, people have to take jobs that they do not enjoy. This poem speaks about those people's wanting to get out of those jobs. Despite the poem's persistence, I don't think it is a reasonable message. People cannot just go have whatever job they want, just because they don't enjoy their current one. That may be why the poem doesn't really mention any serious action to change the speaker's circumstance. He realizes that he may be stuck in his current situation. He has a sort of "oh well" mentality. Though that isn't very optimistic, it is rather realistic.

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